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When You Get Off Course...

We've all been there.

You decide to venture out into places unknown to you for a fun and lively road trip! You plug in the destination to your oh so reliable Google Maps (because who looks up directions anymore??), and you are on your way!

Everything is going as planned until.....standstill.

Traffic has stopped.

And you wait....

And wait....and wait.

You see an exit ramp just up ahead and decide to give it a go. I mean....Google will adapt, right?? Detour here we come!

As you turn onto the exit ramp and veer off to the right, you see the oh so familiar "re-calculating" screen. As you check your route, you notice that Google is directing you to go on what seems like a wild goose chase!

You wind through back roads, pass through little unincorporated towns, and eventually begin to wonder if you will ever get back to your original route.

Sometimes that happens in our walk with God too.

Everything seems to be going well. You're growing and feeling close to God, hit a standstill.

Many things can be the catalyst to this. A death of a loved one, a crisis, money or job troubles, etc.

And you begin to feel like you've detoured into a desert of sorts.

So you're left with a question:

How do you move out of that desert?

I've been there many times. It's so frustrating. I don't like being in the desert and feeling distant from God.

But you know what?

It's not because of anything He's done.

He doesn't change. Scripture tells us that "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever". (Hebrews 13:8)

WE are the ones that stray.

God is more faithful than we could EVER be. We, however, stray like lost sheep at times. do we get back on track? Honestly? I have found that the only way is to stay the course.

Keep moving forward.

Keep moving and beg God to draw you closer to Him.

And do you know what? He will.

Why? Because He is faithful.

So, dear friend, stay the course. Press into Him. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He will. I promise :)

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