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On the 1st Day of Blogmas...

Those of you that caught my last post know that today is the 1st day of Blogmas! I am going to attempt to blog everyday for the whole month....something I'm admittingly not very good at! So this will be a challenge for me! But I'm excited to share with you during this holiday season.

Everything feels new to me this year....and I'm LOVING it!! I don't even mind the insane chaos that has been my life this last week. Normally, this type of craziness would send me to the looney bin, but oddly, I'm feeling quite satisfied! (We'll see how I feel in a couple weeks, right? Ha!)

Today is December 1. Can you believe it??? And it only seems fitting, that on the first day of Blogmas my true love is giving me....a night on the town!! I'm very excited because a friend of ours- that we met during our time in Nashville- is the keyboardist for a popular contemporary christian band. They JUST so happen to be in Madison tonight!! So we were blessed with tickets to go see them and try to catch our dear friend for a few minutes before the show!

I take any time I have to sneak in a date with my hubby. It's so vital to date your spouse- something we haven't done too regularly in the past (especially this time of year). He used to work for UPS, so this time of year we were fortunate just to see him. BUT now he's a pastor. He's just as busy, but it's a different busy. And we have been able to fit in multiple dates lately. Bonus!!

So, I'm off to our night out! Shoot me some date ideas for this season that you have enjoyed! I'd love to hear them!

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