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Let's go to the mattresses.

Fear and division.

That is what we are seeing running rampant throughout our culture right now. And you know what? It needs to stop. As believers, we especially need to stop it. Stop it right now.


Because that is NOT living a transformed life.

That is NOT living by the Spirit.

That is NOT practicing what you preach.

It's not easy, I'll give you that. But you know what? Christ TOLD US that it wouldn't be easy following Him. And it wouldn't be popular either.

When you place your faith in Christ, He promises to give us His Spirit- which he also tells us is "NOT a spirit of fear but of sound mind". And He also commands us to not cause divisions amongst one another.

Guys, we are f-a-m-i-l-y (I so hope you read as you would sing the lyrics because I know I did :) ). We need to stop getting so offended by every little thing and get back to the basics.

So...what are the basics? Well, I'm so glad you asked! Ha!

The Gospel.

That's it.

We need to get back to the point and purpose as to why we exist.

- We exist FOR the glory of God.

- We exist FOR the purpose of His plans.

- We exist to make disciples FOR Him.

You see, the enemy is really good at his game. He sends things our way to shift our focus off of Christ and onto other things. When we take our eyes off of Him, we get enveloped by the crashing waves of this world. The longer we keep our eyes off of Him, the harder it is to turn back.

I know we all have opinions about everything. But let me let you in on a secret, ok? Here it is:

Your opinions don't change anything.

And you know what? Neither do mine. What we think doesn't make something true or untrue. Truth is NOT relative! It's absolute! So keeping that in mind, we should be fighting for the ULTIMATE truth that DOES change everything.

That. Is. The. Gospel.

The vaccine won't cure you.

The right political party won't satisfy you.

Wearing or not wearing a mask won't save you.

Guys....hear me!! It's not that we can't discuss these things. But we CANNOT allow these things to overshadow ACTUAL TRUTH. If you find yourself obsessing over these things more than Christ, you have a problem. (Believe me...I've found myself there too at times!)

Stop focusing on the things that change like the shifting of the sands and get your focus back on THE ROCK who is unlovable, unshakeable, and unchangeable. You will find that the fear will melt away and our hearts will be united instead of divided.

Let's go to the mattresses for what really matters: Christ and Christ alone.

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