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It's Been a Minute...

So if you have followed me for any amount of time, you know that I am a "moody" blogger ;) I whoosh in, write a few posts....bound and determined to be "more consistent this time", and then drop off the face of the blogging world.

Yep. That's me. And....chances are it won't change lol. I'm ok with that.

So a lot has happened in the last few years. God has led our family down a path we didn't expect. And that has brought with it lots of emotions- both good and hard.

I can't wait to share with you what He has taught me through this journey. And...spoiler alert....I'm still in the thick of it.

But being vulnerable and honest about life is something that's counter-cultural.

But it's good.

Because, if we are being honest with ourselves, we all struggle with similar issues at the core of it all. So, if you can be encouraged and drawn closer to Christ through my experiences, PRAISE GOD. That's my entire goal: that God be glorified.

So stay tuned for some future posts on this crazy rollercoaster that I've been on. Well....don't wait by the phone....Afterall, we know I'm a "moody writer" ;)

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