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The Journey Begins (My Healing Journey Part 2)

(To read part 1 of this series, click here.)


It's an ugly word. I'm sure you're familiar with it. If not directly, then you know someone who is. It's the type of thing that stops you in your tracks.

We all know that there are necessary treatments that come along with this devastating diagnosis. And most of us know that these can be extremely taxing on the human body.

Necessary evils.

There's not a lot of ways around them.

Ok. So you have your diagnosis, you do the surgeries, the chemotherapy, the radiation therapy, etc. Then....healing, right?

Wrong. least in most cases.

You see, what a lot of people (myself included until recently) don't realize, is that stress and all of these necessary evils WRECK your gut. I mean...destroy, deplete, devastate. Why does that matter?

Well, allow me to enlighten you. (This was incredibly revolutionary to me when I heard it...and made COMPLETE sense.)

Your "gut" is your second brain.


Yep. You heard me.

Did you know your gut houses more hormones than your brain? It's also literally the source of your immune system.

Now you can understand how that might be a problem if your gut is wrecked or out of whack, right? It can lead to SOOOO many issues, where often times the source gets misdiagnosed. We end up treating the symptoms instead of the source and that's not true healing.

That's where I was at for such a long time. Mainly because I was ignorant and uneducated about this.

Enter in Amare Global.

But I'm getting ahead of myself :) Part of the fun is the journey. That's what makes the results of this so amazing. So stay tuned!

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