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The Battle Wages On...(My Healing Journey- part 4)

(If you missed parts 1-3, you can catch them here, here, & here.)

Sometimes, when we are faced with a life-consuming & terrifying circumstance, we are oblivious to the happenings around us. Everything else just takes a back seat. It's fight or flight mode.

I feel like that's the state I've been in for the last 18 years.

Always wondering when the next round is going to hit....and not realizing that there was another battle waging within.

Like I mentioned in part 2 of this series, there were necessary evils that came with the cancer package. Chemo, radiation, surgery...all life-saving efforts to eradicate the cancer and give me more time here on this earth.

But what took me years to realize, is that it was causing just as much damage as it was good.

Honestly? I don't blame anyone for that. Primarily because new science has only developed within the last 5 years that has shed some major light on this.

You can't be angry or frustrated because people don't know or understand something.

So what kind of issues exactly, you ask?

Buckle up. It's a fun ride.

It began pretty quickly after each treatment. Each time, after chemotherapy, I suffered from depression & fatigue. So much so, in fact, that I was on an anti-depressant for several years. I did eventually come off of that, but that was only the beginning.

About 7 years ago, I began to have an array of symptoms that just continued to escalate and add more to them as time went on. Perimenopause (the pre-stages of menopause) set in too. With that came awful migraines, fatigue, horrific mood swings, a weird rash, food sensitivities, and insomnia to name a few.

I began begging my doctors to find out what was wrong with me. All of which came up empty for results. That left a lot of frustration and at times, a fear that this was going to be my life forever.

Then 2016 hit and I began to have gut-issues too. They removed my gall-bladder (because it all of a sudden was functioning at <5%), but that only brought temporary relief.

It was as if someone poked the bear.

All of a sudden, it felt like my entire innards were waging their own war against each other.

Bloating, nausea, pain, burping, cramping, burning, & acid reflux were all of a sudden a regular part of my everyday life. It didn't seem to matter what I ate or didn't eat, these symptoms had a mind of their own.

I sought out a GI doctor- who ran tests, asked a lot of questions, and tried several different treatments. He finally looked at me, at my last appointment, and said "I honestly don't know what's wrong with you."

Well....I was thankful for his honesty.

But that wasn't going to help me any.

During this time, however, I was introduced to a company called Amare Global. Through a dear friend, I was encouraged to try the products they produced.

Now, I will admit, I was SUPER skeptical from the get-go. In fact, I dug in my heels and was determined not to go that direction.

But eventually I got to the point of utter desperation.

You see, Amare is at the forefront of new science in regards to our gut. They have discovered that your "gut" is your "second brain". It is the home base where most of your hormones are produced and is HQ for your immune system.

Even the slightest amount of stress can throw your gut out of whack. So can you imagine what drugs that are designed to kill (chemo) would do to it?? Antibiotics will strip your gut clean too. I had it all. So gut was dead.

How do I know this to be true?

Because of the results I've seen. can't make this stuff up! I am virtually symptom free after about 3 months of being on Amare!!! I still have a ways to go for some things, but my quality of life is DRASTICALLY better!

In fact....I have more energy and feel better than I have EVER in my life!!

I'm SO incredibly grateful to God for pointing me in this direction. I know it was His direction because of how I got here (but that's a story for another day!). The relief that Amare has brought has made me so humbly grateful. I am undeserving of God's great mercy. And that's what makes His grace so astounding! He gives graciously, not based on anything I do or say, but simply because of His incredibly love! It blows me away.

I am now on a mission to help as many people as I can experience healing- not just physical healing but even more importantly, spiritual healing. Without that, you can have all of the physical healing in the world...but it won't bring you true joy and peace at all. Combine it with Jesus, though...and that's ALL you will ever need even if the physical doesn't come!!

I love how, just like we are always learning new things throughout Scripture as we grow in Christ, we are always learning new things about the body that He designed too! It's such an awesome thing!! I'd love to help you if you are seeking it! Whether it's encouragement or direction you are seeking, let me know how I can help.

This stuff is too good to keep to myself!

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